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Scores are NBLAST (version 2) similarity scores between each neuron and the exemplar (Trh-M-100011), normalised to the self-score of the exemplar. The higher the better! Scores > 0 indicate a match of some sort. Excellent matches will have scores > 0.5.

Do you recognise any of the neurons in this cluster? Email us!


Raw data provided by as described in Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Brain-wide Wiring Networks in Drosophila at Single-Cell Resolution by Ann-Shyn Chiang et al.

Image processing carried out with unu, CMTK, and Fiji.

Further processing carried out in R with nat. Clustering used package apcluster. 3D visualisation written from rgl by writeWebGL.

Similar clusters

The most similar clusters to this one are:

Cluster Exemplar Supercluster Exemplar normalised score
173 Trh-M-000051 III 0.66
874 Trh-F-100011 III 0.64
661 Tdc2-F-000027 VII 0.62
4 fru-M-500226 III 0.62
150 Trh-M-000085 III 0.60
21 fru-M-300286 III 0.59
1006 VGlut-F-500043 III 0.55
76 fru-M-300240 III 0.54
759 VGlut-F-600257 III 0.54
952 VGlut-F-600052 III 0.52

Cluster composition

This cluster has 36 neurons. The exemplar of this cluster (Trh-M-100011) is drawn in black.

Neuron idid Gene name Driver Sex Raw score Normalised score
Trh-M-100011 3392 TPHMARCM-075M_seg1 Trh-Gal4 M 15295.74 1.00
fru-M-800093 83 FruMARCM-M002282_seg001 fru-Gal4 M 10552.11 0.66
fru-M-600100 87 FruMARCM-M002286_seg001 fru-Gal4 M 8682.57 0.63
fru-M-900051 105 FruMARCM-M002304_seg001 fru-Gal4 M 10649.18 0.69
fru-M-200277 113 FruMARCM-M002311_seg001 fru-Gal4 M 9771.57 0.65
fru-M-200301 269 FruMARCM-M002495_seg001 fru-Gal4 M 10769.37 0.68
fru-M-700107 670 FruMARCM-M001877_seg001 fru-Gal4 M 10460.98 0.67
fru-M-400055 1686 FruMARCM-M000840_seg001 fru-Gal4 M 9651.30 0.65
fru-M-100040 1879 FruMARCM-M000420_seg001 fru-Gal4 M 11009.40 0.66
fru-M-300056 1901 FruMARCM-M000437_seg001 fru-Gal4 M 10323.45 0.66
Trh-M-900041 2051 TPHMARCM-M001556_seg001 Trh-Gal4 M 10839.50 0.70
Trh-M-000076 2246 TPHMARCM-M001733_seg001 Trh-Gal4 M 11084.32 0.68
fru-M-200001 2320 FruMARCM-M000006_seg001 fru-Gal4 M 8369.29 0.54
fru-M-900010 2385 FruMARCM-M000112_seg001 fru-Gal4 M 11091.95 0.71
fru-M-600006 2414 FruMARCM-M000135_seg001 fru-Gal4 M 10719.24 0.65
Trh-M-500071 3005 TPHMARCM-949M_seg1 Trh-Gal4 M 10230.74 0.65
Trh-M-700000 3432 TPHMARCM-175M_seg1 Trh-Gal4 M 10942.35 0.66
Trh-M-500010 3447 TPHMARCM-196M_seg1 Trh-Gal4 M 10411.37 0.62
Trh-M-100031 3471 TPHMARCM-341M_seg1 Trh-Gal4 M 11101.60 0.70
Trh-M-700001 3591 TPHMARCM-535M_seg1 Trh-Gal4 M 11049.81 0.67
Cha-F-300026 3700 ChaMARCM-F000112_seg001 Cha-Gal4 F 8318.25 0.46
fru-F-500271 3739 FruMARCM-F002332_seg001 fru-Gal4 F 9657.29 0.61
fru-F-100089 3804 FruMARCM-F002559_seg001 fru-Gal4 F 11030.70 0.69
fru-F-800055 4642 FruMARCM-F001809_seg001 fru-Gal4 F 10949.91 0.68
fru-F-400221 4802 FruMARCM-F002136_seg001 fru-Gal4 F 11353.88 0.69
Tdc2-F-100000 8441 dTdc2MARCM-F002_seg1 Tdc2-Gal4 F 10680.44 0.70
fru-F-000008 11542 FruMARCM-F000199_seg001 fru-Gal4 F 9683.61 0.59
Trh-F-100004 13787 TPHMARCM-005F_seg1 Trh-Gal4 F 10140.11 0.63
Trh-F-200002 13796 TPHMARCM-014F_seg1 Trh-Gal4 F 10659.31 0.66
Trh-F-100010 13797 TPHMARCM-015F_seg1 Trh-Gal4 F 10615.04 0.67
Trh-F-000003 13800 TPHMARCM-018F_seg1 Trh-Gal4 F 10829.57 0.67
Trh-F-300001 13822 TPHMARCM-043F_seg1 Trh-Gal4 F 8811.64 0.59
Trh-F-900005 13924 TPHMARCM-215F_seg1 Trh-Gal4 F 9451.54 0.68
Trh-F-900009 13928 TPHMARCM-218F_seg1 Trh-Gal4 F 10748.74 0.63
Trh-F-100054 14130 TPHMARCM-518F_seg2 Trh-Gal4 F 10650.26 0.66
VGlut-F-200326 15384 DvGlutMARCM-F1741_seg1 VGlut-Gal4 F 8721.48 0.36