Click for 3D rendering of cluster


Scores are NBLAST (version 2) similarity scores between each neuron and the exemplar (VGlut-F-500779), normalised to the self-score of the exemplar. The higher the better! Scores > 0 indicate a match of some sort. Excellent matches will have scores > 0.5.

Do you recognise any of the neurons in this cluster? Email us!


Raw data provided by as described in Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Brain-wide Wiring Networks in Drosophila at Single-Cell Resolution by Ann-Shyn Chiang et al.

Image processing carried out with unu, CMTK, and Fiji.

Further processing carried out in R with nat. Clustering used package apcluster. 3D visualisation written from rgl by writeWebGL.

Similar clusters

The most similar clusters to this one are:

Cluster Exemplar Supercluster Exemplar normalised score
320 Cha-F-400233 VIII 0.68
902 VGlut-F-400300 VIII 0.67
309 fru-F-700160 VIII 0.57
410 fru-F-400147 VIII 0.57
27 fru-M-300302 VIII 0.56
47 fru-M-300198 VIII 0.56

Cluster composition

This cluster has 18 neurons. The exemplar of this cluster (VGlut-F-500779) is drawn in black.

Neuron idid Gene name Driver Sex Raw score Normalised score
VGlut-F-500779 7071 DvGlutMARCM-F004200_seg001 VGlut-Gal4 F 10671.71 1.00
fru-M-800077 656 FruMARCM-M001867_seg001 fru-Gal4 M 7396.50 0.71
fru-M-300148 1151 FruMARCM-M001343_seg002 fru-Gal4 M 7512.24 0.71
fru-M-400137 1195 FruMARCM-M001375_seg001 fru-Gal4 M 7263.31 0.71
fru-M-400150 1291 FruMARCM-M001478_seg001 fru-Gal4 M 7788.46 0.70
fru-M-300062 1909 FruMARCM-M000461_seg001 fru-Gal4 M 7814.73 0.73
fru-M-200056 1927 FruMARCM-M000521_seg001 fru-Gal4 M 6938.13 0.69
VGlut-F-600790 5702 DvGlutMARCM-F004414_seg001 VGlut-Gal4 F 7651.20 0.74
fru-F-700127 6251 FruMARCM-F001265_seg001 fru-Gal4 F 7740.42 0.75
VGlut-F-700534 6529 DvGlutMARCM-F004299_seg001 VGlut-Gal4 F 7455.48 0.73
VGlut-F-600701 6689 DvGlutMARCM-F003908_seg001 VGlut-Gal4 F 7444.19 0.71
VGlut-F-700466 6771 DvGlutMARCM-F003973_seg001 VGlut-Gal4 F 7526.46 0.68
VGlut-F-600705 6774 DvGlutMARCM-F003974_seg001 VGlut-Gal4 F 7477.63 0.73
VGlut-F-400825 6832 DvGlutMARCM-F004015_seg001 VGlut-Gal4 F 7869.85 0.76
VGlut-F-700418 7967 DvGlutMARCM-F003794_seg004 VGlut-Gal4 F 7206.18 0.64
Cha-F-200061 8257 ChaMARCM-F000243_seg001 Cha-Gal4 F 5353.95 0.46
fru-F-400009 11466 FruMARCM-F000079_seg001 fru-Gal4 F 7761.48 0.73
VGlut-F-600197 11759 DvGlutMARCM-F002331_seg001 VGlut-Gal4 F 7095.89 0.70