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Scores are NBLAST (version 2) similarity scores between each neuron and the exemplar (TH-F-100029), normalised to the self-score of the exemplar. The higher the better! Scores > 0 indicate a match of some sort. Excellent matches will have scores > 0.5.

Do you recognise any of the neurons in this cluster? Email us!


Raw data provided by as described in Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Brain-wide Wiring Networks in Drosophila at Single-Cell Resolution by Ann-Shyn Chiang et al.

Image processing carried out with unu, CMTK, and Fiji.

Further processing carried out in R with nat. Clustering used package apcluster. 3D visualisation written from rgl by writeWebGL.

Similar clusters

The most similar clusters to this one are:

Cluster Exemplar Supercluster Exemplar normalised score
1028 VGlut-F-000067 XIV 0.56
964 VGlut-F-200325 XIV 0.47
191 TH-M-200018 XIV 0.45
192 TH-M-300027 XIV 0.33
753 VGlut-F-600178 XIV 0.32

Cluster composition

This cluster has 26 neurons. The exemplar of this cluster (TH-F-100029) is drawn in black.

Neuron idid Gene name Driver Sex Raw score Normalised score
TH-F-100029 13448 THMARCM-286F_seg1 TH-Gal4 F 164061.85 1.00
TH-M-200061 1720 THMARCM-399M_seg001 TH-Gal4 M 121564.79 0.75
TH-M-100056 2009 THMARCM-413M_seg1 TH-Gal4 M 122023.82 0.75
TH-M-300060 3073 THMARCM-730M_seg1 TH-Gal4 M 122089.53 0.75
TH-M-100057 3255 THMARCM-430M_seg1 TH-Gal4 M 121498.99 0.75
TH-M-000009 3268 THMARCM-459M_seg1 TH-Gal4 M 119775.17 0.74
TH-M-100063 3277 THMARCM-472M_seg1 TH-Gal4 M 114611.86 0.73
TH-M-200080 3281 THMARCM-475M_seg1 TH-Gal4 M 118685.01 0.75
TH-M-300061 3361 THMARCM-771M_seg1 TH-Gal4 M 111511.73 0.72
TH-M-300066 3369 THMARCM-784M_seg1 TH-Gal4 M 118750.20 0.74
Trh-M-000012 3475 TPHMARCM-346M_seg1 Trh-Gal4 M 102685.98 0.66
Trh-M-200019 3482 TPHMARCM-354M_seg1 Trh-Gal4 M 65088.42 0.57
Cha-F-500059 8176 ChaMARCM-F000194_seg001 Cha-Gal4 F 110848.76 0.70
Cha-F-000010 10117 ChaMARCM-F000069_seg001 Cha-Gal4 F 61849.20 0.48
VGlut-F-600124 13100 DvGlutMARCM-F2124_seg1 VGlut-Gal4 F 62658.76 0.54
TH-F-300013 13390 THMARCM-158F_seg1 TH-Gal4 F 123285.62 0.77
TH-F-200023 13456 THMARCM-294F_seg1 TH-Gal4 F 138488.20 0.83
TH-F-200061 13510 THMARCM-385F_seg1 TH-Gal4 F 121952.08 0.74
TH-F-200073 13523 THMARCM-402F_seg1 TH-Gal4 F 114292.72 0.73
TH-F-200074 13529 THMARCM-412F_seg1 TH-Gal4 F 114091.73 0.73
TH-F-200075 13534 THMARCM-420F_seg1 TH-Gal4 F 123813.02 0.76
TH-F-200101 13613 THMARCM-560F_seg TH-Gal4 F 122328.48 0.76
TH-F-300090 13751 THMARCM-788F_seg1 TH-Gal4 F 116998.54 0.75
TH-F-100001 13779 THMARCM-F_017_seg1 TH-Gal4 F 115206.38 0.71
Trh-F-400005 13831 TPHMARCM-052F_seg1 Trh-Gal4 F 102964.96 0.52
VGlut-F-300269 15160 DvGlutMARCM-F1492_seg1 VGlut-Gal4 F 62773.68 0.53