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Scores are NBLAST (version 2) similarity scores between each neuron and the exemplar (fru-F-400172), normalised to the self-score of the exemplar. The higher the better! Scores > 0 indicate a match of some sort. Excellent matches will have scores > 0.5.

Do you recognise any of the neurons in this cluster? Email us!


Raw data provided by as described in Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Brain-wide Wiring Networks in Drosophila at Single-Cell Resolution by Ann-Shyn Chiang et al.

Image processing carried out with unu, CMTK, and Fiji.

Further processing carried out in R with nat. Clustering used package apcluster. 3D visualisation written from rgl by writeWebGL.

Similar clusters

The most similar clusters to this one are:

Cluster Exemplar Supercluster Exemplar normalised score
1028 VGlut-F-000067 XIV 0.61
84 fru-M-200026 XIV 0.60
204 Trh-M-100025 XIV 0.59
631 fru-F-500016 XIV 0.56
964 VGlut-F-200325 XIV 0.55
703 VGlut-F-300427 XIV 0.53
265 Cha-F-100295 XIV 0.52
192 TH-M-300027 XIV 0.51

Cluster composition

This cluster has 28 neurons. The exemplar of this cluster (fru-F-400172) is drawn in black.

Neuron idid Gene name Driver Sex Raw score Normalised score
fru-F-400172 4537 FruMARCM-F001644_seg003 fru-Gal4 F 6890.48 1.00
fru-M-700163 182 FruMARCM-M002399_seg001 fru-Gal4 M 5202.62 0.73
fru-M-500161 568 FruMARCM-M001754_seg001 fru-Gal4 M 5146.61 0.73
fru-M-400112 974 FruMARCM-M001147_seg001 fru-Gal4 M 4479.20 0.68
fru-M-500130 1075 FruMARCM-M001251_seg001 fru-Gal4 M 5316.77 0.77
fru-M-200189 1213 FruMARCM-M001398_seg001 fru-Gal4 M 4520.67 0.60
fru-M-200095 1446 FruMARCM-M001015_seg001 fru-Gal4 M 4966.34 0.70
fru-M-200097 1450 FruMARCM-M001018_seg001 fru-Gal4 M 4863.69 0.66
fru-M-800034 1701 FruMARCM-M000854_seg001 fru-Gal4 M 4842.85 0.66
fru-M-600004 2412 FruMARCM-M000133_seg001 fru-Gal4 M 4321.47 0.62
Trh-M-400042 2972 TPHMARCM-912M_seg1 Trh-Gal4 M 4896.14 0.67
fru-F-500261 3713 FruMARCM-F002207_seg001 fru-Gal4 F 5142.47 0.71
fru-F-500267 3735 FruMARCM-F002331_seg001 fru-Gal4 F 5191.40 0.72
fru-F-300094 4540 FruMARCM-F001653_seg001 fru-Gal4 F 5339.96 0.74
fru-F-300108 4647 FruMARCM-F001813_seg002 fru-Gal4 F 5134.43 0.72
Cha-F-500151 5545 ChaMARCM-F000847_seg001 Cha-Gal4 F 4116.99 0.56
fru-F-600062 6223 FruMARCM-F001159_seg001 fru-Gal4 F 5121.43 0.71
fru-F-500188 6373 FruMARCM-F001511_seg001 fru-Gal4 F 4578.02 0.60
fru-F-700097 7342 FruMARCM-F000978_seg001 fru-Gal4 F 4955.03 0.71
fru-F-500014 9846 FruMARCM-F000431_seg001 fru-Gal4 F 5202.45 0.73
fru-F-700041 9901 FruMARCM-F000490_seg002 fru-Gal4 F 5086.56 0.72
Trh-F-000063 10043 TPHMARCM-F001825_seg001 Trh-Gal4 F 5098.04 0.72
Trh-F-000066 10046 TPHMARCM-F001828_seg001 Trh-Gal4 F 5160.94 0.70
Cha-F-500027 10169 ChaMARCM-F000099_seg002 Cha-Gal4 F 4888.05 0.71
Gad1-F-900019 11215 GadMARCM-F000200_seg002 Gad1-Gal4 F 4416.62 0.43
Gad1-F-100018 11260 GadMARCM-F000238_seg002 Gad1-Gal4 F 5173.96 0.76
Trh-F-700045 12715 TPHMARCM-876F_seg1 Trh-Gal4 F 5186.34 0.73
Trh-F-400033 13969 TPHMARCM-259F_seg1 Trh-Gal4 F 4788.24 0.65