Table of Contents

Cross Platform GUI

We now recommend a Registration GUI that is distributed as a plugin for Fiji (see below for details of the Classic MacOSX GUI). Currently this provides a simple way to install CMTK, select input images and registration parameters and construct appropriate registration scripts. However it does not actually run the final registration script - you still have to go to your operating system and run the script directly.




Sample Data

Classic MacOSX GUI

For some time we have provided a simple MacOSX only registration GUI formerly available at

This is being distributed via the zenodo website. The latest version is always accessible using the All released versions are saved on zenodo and can be referred to via their own unique DOIs.

Unzip and put this somewhere sensible e.g. /Applications/ on a Mac. Then read the Readme (carefully) to learn how to prepare your images and start the registration. For the input images you will need to pay particular attention to file names.

You will likely also need to install a copy of Fiji/ImageJ to save your images in the preferred input format (nrrd) and then read the output (also in nrrd).