Current members
In order of joining the lab:
Gregory Jefferis - PI
Shahar Frechter - Post-doc
Alex Bates - PhD student
Istvan Taisz - PhD student
Philipp Schlegel - Visiting Post-doc (Zoology)
Markus Pleijzier - PhD student
Sebastian Cachero - Dorothy Hodgkin Fellow
Erika Dona - Post-doc
Dana Galili - Post-doc
Marina Gkantia - RA
Philip Myers - PhD student
In order of leaving the lab:
Nicolas Masse - Post-doc → Research Assistant Professor @ University of Chicago
Alex Hodge - Research Associate → Director @ Sitka Scientific
Aaron Ostrovsky - PhD student → Post-doc @ Orger Lab, Champalimaud Foundation
Laura Blackie - Research Assistant → PhD student @ MRC Laboratory of Molecular Cell Biology
Will Allen - MPhil student → PhD student @ Luo and Deisseroth labs, Stanford University
Lea Götz - Part II student → PhD student @ Hausser Lab, Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research, University College London
Jonny Kohl - PhD student → Group Leader @ Crick Institute
Alessio Strano - Part III student → PhD student @ Wellcome Developmental Mechanisms PhD Programme (Cambridge)
Amy McCarthy - Research Assistant → PhD student @ Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute, University of Manchester
James Manton - Research Assistant → PhD student @ EPSRC CDT in Sensor Technologies and Applications, University of Cambridge
Marta Costa - Post-doc → Project Lead @ Drosophila Connectomics Group
Javier Valdes-Aleman - Visiting student → PhD student @ Landgraf (Dept Zoology) and Zlatic labs (HHMI Janelia Farm)
Julian Ng - Senior Investigator Scientist → Senior Research Associate @ Dept Zoology
Mélina Durande - Student Intern → Masters student @ Ecole normale superieure de Lyon
Mike Dolan - PhD student → Post-doc @ Janelia Research Campus
Roni Jortner - Imaging Specialist → Director @ Masthead Biosciences
Ben Sutcliffe - Post-doc → Post-doc @ MRC LMB Light Microscopy Facility
Paavo Huoviala - PhD student → Post-doc @ Dept Zoology
Danielle Mersch - Post-doc → Scientific Consultant @ Weizmann Institute of Science