In additional to supplemental data available via the Current Biology website, we are providing two large collections of image data:
3Gb of key image data (available on the Web)
>1Tb of comprehensive image data including all raw and processed confocal stacks (available by external hard drive)
Web Supplement
You can access the web supplemental data here:
The directory hierarchy that you will see includes:
Standard Template Brains and Ventral Nerve Cords
Single full sized image stacks of each fruitless neuroblast clone
Resampled image stacks of each clone (suitable for use with Amira)
Mask files used to extract clones from registered images
Registration files used for Deformation Based Morphometry
Hard drive Supplement
This includes all raw Brain and VNC data used in our study (1.05 Tb).
There are Brain and VNC top level directories each containing the following :
RawLSMs : MARCM Confocal stacks from our Zeiss LSM 710 (984,364 LSM files)
Registrations : Registration output folders including settings and logs (737,299 CMTK .list folders)
SuccessfullyRegistered : Tissues after registration - brains that did not register well are excluded (1533, 724 PIC files)
ExtractedImages : Masked images generated for each clone present in each image (908, 241 NRRD files)
TwinSpotBrains: Brains labelled with twin spot MARCM so that clones are either in red or green but not both (270,0 LSM files)
A csv spreadsheet ExportedImageRecords.txt which includes additional information about the images used
(numbers in parentheses indicate the number of Brain and VNC images respectively of each type)