When you use the simple **RegistrationRunner.app** gui it makes a subdirectory in your main registration directory called **commands**. Whenever you start a new job it saves a ''.command'' file in this directory. This file contains the actual commandline that is used to invoke the registration software. There are 3 layers:
- Registration gui (RegistrationRunner.app, written by Greg)
- command line wrapper script (munger.pl, written by Greg)
- core registration tools (registration, warp ..., written by Torsten Rohlfing)
These ''.command'' files call **munger.pl**, which then calls the core tools that actually do the heavy lifting.
You can open these in a text editor to slightly modify the commands, or double click them to re-run the command (a new **Terminal** window will open.
Here is an example. Note the use of '\' to split long lines.
# 2008-11-17 19:21:52 GMT
cd "/Volumes/GJ8CHD/JPeople/Sebastian/fruitless/Registration/Job1" \
"/Applications/IGSRegistrationTools/RegistrationRunner.app/Contents/Resources/munger.pl" \
-b "/Applications/IGSRegistrationTools/RegistrationRunner.app/Contents/Resources" \
-awr 0102 -v -L -T 2 -s "refbrain/T1.PIC" "images"
This can be explained as follows:
* change directory to the required working directory
* call munger
* specifying a location for the core registration binaries [-b]
* run [a]ffine and [w]arp
* [r]eformat channels 1 and 2
* be [v]erbose
* find initial affine transform using [L]andmarks
* use 2 threads [-T] (can be up to the same as the number of cores in your machine)
* -s = reference brain
* images directory.
Here's another:
cd "/Volumes/GJ8CHD/JPeople/Sebastian/fruitless/Registration/Job1"
"/Applications/IGSRegistrationTools/RegistrationRunner.app/Contents/Resources/munger.pl" \
-b "/Applications/IGSRegistrationTools/RegistrationRunner.app/Contents/Resources" \
-a -r 01 -l a -s "refbrain/T1.PIC" "images"
This one:
* only runs the [a]ffine registration
* [r]eformats channel 01 ...
* and does the reformatting for the [a]ffine registration [l]evel
The full command line options for **munger.pl** are:
Usage: ./munger.pl [OPTIONS] [ ...]
Version: 1.17
-h print this help
-v verbose (provide extra feed back at runtime)
-t test run (no commands are actually run)
-g debug: prints every command run by myexec and the return value
-p make a scriPt from commands that would be run
(nb cannot produce commands that depend on earlier commands)
-u statUs - display number of images, registrations etc
-z turn gzip off (on by default)
-k lock message ie contents of lock file (defaults to hostname:process id)
-m maximum time to keep starting registrations (in hours, default 8760=1y)
nb this will not stop any running registrations
-x [never|only|any]:[truncate|delete] Clear input images when done.
default is never, eg only:truncate, any:delete
only => only the job that runs reformat can clear input
any => any job can delete; in fact a job started with any will not
reformat at all. This is useful because you can run a cleanup
job if it becomes clear that you are running short of space.
truncate => leave a 0 length file with same mtime as original image
-a run affine transform
-w run warp transform
-c [01|02|..] channels for registration (default 01 or "")
-r [01|02|..] run reformat on these channels
-l [p|a|0..9|f] run reformat on these levels
(default f=final warp, p=principal axis, a=affine, 0..9=warp intermediates)
-f [01|02|..] channel of the images used for registration - default is 01
[nb use -f to specify the channel of the images that were previously used to
generate a registration if you now want to reformat a different channel using
that registration information]
-i register brain to itself if possible (default is to skip)
-0 Don't output intermediate warp registration levels
-s [file|fileStem] Reference brain (average e-2 by default)
-b [path] bin directory
-d [stem] registration subdirectory (default ./Registration)
[nb if this begins in a dot then the value will be appended to both
reformatted and Registration directories]
-e File ending of input images (pic, nrrd, nhdr)
-o File ending of output images (bin, nrrd, nhdr) - defaults to torsten raw bin
-P find initial affine transform using image principal axes
-L find initial affine transform using landmarks
-I inverse consistent warp weight (--ic-weight) default 0, try 1e-5
-E [energy] energy of warp transform (default e-1)
-X [exploration] (default 16)
-M [metric] (default 0 (NMI), options 1=MI)
-C [coarsest] (default 4)
-G [grid-spacing] (default 40)
-R [refine] (default 3)
-J [0 to 1] jacobian-weight volume constraining param (default 0)
-T [threads] (default auto)
-A [option] additional options for affine transformation
-W [option] additional options for warp transformation
Munge a BioRad PIC file or (recursively) parse a directory of PIC files
by running the affine and warp registrations and reformatting images
as required. Final argument must be the images directory or a single image.