showClones.scro is an Amira TCL script that lets you quickly change between different volume renderings. But to have a lot of volume renderings active, the data must be small. Downsampling and cropping to just the data of interest are important for this. #in terminal cd projects git clone jgit:AnalysisSuite mate AnalysisSuite # in R source('~/projects/AnalysisSuite/R/Code/Startup.R') # Downsample all nrrds by a factor of 2 in x and y (but don't touch Z) ff=dir("/Volumes/Shahar_External/presentations/Neurobiology2012/masked",patt='nrrd',full=T) for(f in ff) NrrdResample(f,"/Volumes/Shahar_External/presentations/Neurobiology2012/masked-4xd",size=c(0.5,0.5,NA)) ff=dir("/Volumes/Shahar_External/presentations/Neurobiology2012/masked-4xd",patt='nrrd',full=T) for(f in ff) AutoCropNrrd(f,outdir="/Volumes/Shahar_External/presentations/Neurobiology2012/masked-4xd-acrop") # In amira load ~/projects/AnalysisSuite/amira/ShowClones.scro # (read instrucyions at top of script Browse to choose a nrrd, load all)