Supplemental data to accompany: [[|**A bidirectional circuit switch reroutes pheromone signals in male and female brains**]]\\ Cell, Volume 155, Issue 7, 1610-1623, 19 December 2013 [[|doi:10.1016/j.cell.2013.11.025]]\\ Johannes Kohl*, Aaron D. Ostrovsky*, Shahar Frechter, Gregory S.X.E. Jefferis ====== Overview ====== The best way to explore the analysis of the neuroanatomical and electrophysiological data in this paper is to visit the documentation site for the R [[|frulhns]] package. ====== Data ====== The following data is available to accompany the publication * Tabular data underlying the figures is available through a dedicated R package, [[|frulhns]] hosted on github. * The vignette for this package completely recreates the Supplemental statistics table for the paper. * The package has been updated to work with regular R packages * Older versions of the package requires the [[|AnalysisSuite]] R codebase to be installed at a specific location (''~/projects/AnalysisSuite'', see github README) in order for the vignettes to be built from scratch. * Cached versions of the vignettes (frulhns v0.4.1) are available here: * [[|neurons.pdf]] * [[|statistics.pdf]] * Traced Neurons * before registration * [[|amira format]] * [[|SWC format]] * after registration to IS2 template brain * [[|amira format]] * [[|swc format]] * 3D confocal image data (on a hard drive, on request to Greg) ====== Electrophysiological Analysis ====== Analysis and plotting of electrophysiological data initially acquired with Neuromatic/Nclamp was carried out in R, primarily using a custom R package, [[|gphys]]. Although I would generally recommend using the latest version available via github, to install the specific package version associated with the manuscript, do as follows: # Start R # install (one time only) install.packages("IgorR") # code to read Igor binary files (Greg) install.packages("STAR") # code for Spike Train Analysis from Christophe Pouzat # download gphys package from Jefferis lab website to a temporary file download.file('',tf<-tempfile(fileext='.tgz')) # install install.packages(tf,repos=NULL,type='source') # clean up temp file unlink(tf) library(gphys) # get introductory help on package ?gphys # get help on main plot function (including examples) ?PlotRasterFromSweeps note that this download includes full source code for the functions in the package along with documentation and examples. ====== Methods ====== Detailed methods are included in the manuscript supplemental information. Further information on these topics is available here * [[alex:projects:odour_presentation_system:start|Odour Delivery]] * [[pub:neuroanatomy:frulhns:odorants]] Full list of odorants in this study * [[warping_manual:start|Image Registration]] * [[|Morphological neuroanatomy in R]] aka AnalysisSuite