Jefferis Lab
This is the informal website for Greg Jefferis' Lab based in the Division of Neurobiology of the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology where Greg has an official page. We have strong links with the Department of Zoology of the University of Cambridge and are also part of the Cambridge Neuroscience Initiative.
Our broad goal is to understand how smell turns into behaviour in the fruit fly brain. We use a combination of genetic labelling and manipulation, targeted in vivo whole cell patch clamp recording and high resolution neuroanatomy to study olfactory circuits. Key interests include understanding how third order olfactory neurons of the lateral horn integrate information from specific olfactory channels. This process of selective integration is the fundamental unit of perception and is likely to underlie innate behavioural responses to general odours and sex pheromones.
See Pubmed for up to date list.
Supplemental Data
Our group's policy is to release all of the raw and processed data and analysis software accompanying our anatomical publications. Further information is available here
- Greg Jefferis, PI
- Sebastian Cachero, Post-doc
- Shahar Frechter, Post-doc
**Positions Available**
Both postdoctoral and PhD positions are available. Please contact me if you would like more information, telling me something about your background and scientific goals, where you might see some overlap with our scientific interests and arranging for 3 letters of reference. Further details about the PhD programme are available here. There may also be opportunities for undergraduate summer students / internships.
Contact Details
- The main lab is Room 1N345
- Address:
Division of Neurobiology MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology Francis Crick Avenue Cambridge Biomedical Campus Cambridge, CB2 OQH United Kingdom
- Phone: +44 (0)1223 267149
- Fax: +44 (0)1223 267051 (Neurobiology Office)
- Medical Research Council
- ERC Consolidator Grant
- NeuroNex2 (see
- Wellcome Trust (Collaborative Award, see
- Wellcome Trust (VFB - Biomedical Resources)
- Wellcome Trust (Henry Wellcome to Erika Dona)
- Marie Curie Actions (to Dana Galili)
- European Research Council (StG)
- Wellcome Trust (ATF)
- Royal Society
- Isaac Newton Trust
- European Commission FP6