Table of Contents


I have written a tcl script, ResultViewer.hx, based on work from Steffen Prohaska that allows

  1. visualisation in Amira of affine registered brains compared with a template
  2. selection of what kind of affine (9dof, ght etc)
  3. selection of a template brain (FC6475, FCWB)
  4. calculation of surface-based affine registration

There is also a related simpler script StackViewer which simply allows rapid scanning through a directory of confocal scripts.


  1. You need the Amira mesh toolbox (on gjac or gj8c) or ZIB Amira for surface based affine registrations
  2. git clone somewhere sensible
  3. This also lives on JData here /Volumes/JData/JPeople/Steffen/2011-07-29_InitBrainPosGHT
  4. Make sure that you have a template brain called in the hx subfolder
    1. use a downsampled brain to make this and aim for ~ 20k faces in the surface model


  1. make downsampled versions of your images in a folder called images4um that is next to the folder containing registrations e.g.
    • MyBigRegistrationFolder
      • images4um
      • Registration
        • warp
        • affine
  2. Make a keylist file, a text file which contains the key for one brain per line
    1. TCL will look for the registration folders like this: ${refbrain}_${brainkey}_${chan}_${regtype}.list
    2. so make sure that the key corresponds to everything between the name of the refbrain and the channel
    3. so for a registration folder called IS2_AABD4-1_01_9dof.list the key would be AABD4-1
    4. the script currently assumes that the reference (nc82) channel will be channel 1
  3. Double click/drag and drop src/ResultViewer.hx onto Amira to get started
    1. This lives at /Volumes/JData/JPeople/Steffen/2011-07-29_InitBrainPosGHT/src/ResultViewer.hx if you are using the JData version.
  4. You will get a blue node in your object pool
  5. Click on it
  6. Choose the Reg root dir e.g. /Volumes/JData/JPeople/Aaron/YourRegistrationFolder/Registrations/IS2/Registration
  7. Choose the key list file e.g. /Volumes/JData/JPeople/Aaron/YourRegistrationFolder/Registrations/IS2/Registration/mynicebrains.txt
    1. the key list can be called anything and the location doesn't matter
  8. Choose your reg type e.g. 9dof or ght
    1. this must be eveything between the last underscore after the channel number and .list (${refbrain}_${brainkey}_${chan}_${regtype}.list)
  9. Choose your Ref Brain e.g. FCWB
  10. Tick Save registration at CMTK if you want to save in CMTK format
    1. if you want to use this as an initial affine registration (to feed into image based affine) then you should save as XXX_ght.list and use's -H switch
    2. if you want to use this as an affine to pass to the warp program then you should save as XXXX_9dof.list

Resampling Brains

Selecting brains

Calculating Affine Registrations

If the existing registration is poor (or non-existent) you can often make a good one using Amira's surface based registration


  1. Make affine directories if they don't exist (so that one can make surface based registrations from scratch)
  2. Add a surface for IS2
  3. make it possible to look at reformatted images directly (rather than applying registration to original image)
  4. resample images