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Official information still seems to be on Felix's Berlin homepage although this is quite old now.


* The files in the zip archive need to be copied into the matching location in the Amira tree.

Top Tips

Tracing fine branches

Parameter selection

This is a somewhat underdocumented art! If your parameters are wrong you will end up that adding points will not follow the intensity path. The dialog box allows you to adjust a total of 7 parameters.

Internal Parameters

The first line contains so called internal factors. These relate to the fitting of the basic path across the tracing. Starting from the right, the simplest parameter is step. As you trace, points are added every step microns; Felix calls these points snaxels. We typically use 0.5 microns. The two other parameters loc and rad are coupling parameters. Basically they indicate how flexible the path is (loc) and how much the radius of one snaxel influences the next (rad). They are effectively dependent on step size. As you increase the step size you also need to decrease the coupling strength.

External Parameters

These control the interaction with the image data more directly and relate to how image gradient information is used to set the centreline and radius of the cylinders that are use to model each segment of a neuron. The bigger they are, the more the tracing will move, but also the more it may jump as the image gets noisier.

They will need to change when you change voxel/object sizes. When you use 16 bit data they will need to be decreased substantially (Felix suggests 50 fold eg down to 0.001). Otherwise the tracing will do a random walk all over the place. In general the lower these parameters, the more stable the fitting routines (and the less one expects unstable oscillations), but the slower the fits will be and the less likely they are to fix a major problem.

Felix Tips

Felix came by 2012-05-09

For Jonny's stacks 16 bit, 0.46×0.46×1 µm voxels suggested

0.1 0.1 0.8

0.001 0.001
0.001 0.001

For fuzzy neurons (but they have to be pretty fuzzy) increase locCenter and decrease locOffset.

Jonny has been using the following parameters for 8bit stacks

0.5 0.5 0.5

0.02 0.02
0.02 0.02


Recommends checking Carsten Duch for lysine fixable biotin concentrations (which he used in Manduca with better fills - more even, better penetration). Used Linaris Gmbh neurobiotin. But could only find them using this with sharps.