We quite often use the surface based registration option in Amira to generate an initial alignment for cases where CMTK's affine registration fails. - Take your starter image and smooth/downsample to e.g. 3 um voxels. - Then generate a surface – you can use the Isosurface viewer module - We then normally simplify to ~ 18k vertices. Now you are ready for the surface aligment - Choose Align surfaces - set the **template** brain as the surface to be transformed - set the **sample/floating** brain as the reference surface - (yes this sounds backwards, but that's what CMTK wants) - Now align the centres - rigidly align the brains until you see no further improvement - then continue with affine registration until ditto - In the console, get the reference brain transformation e.g. ''JFRC2.surf getTransform'' - These 16 numbers define a homogeneous affine transformation, which can now be used to make a CMTK registration. We carry out the last step in R: library(nat) # paste in the 16 numbers m=matrix(scan(), ncol=4) # check that you have a 4 x 4 matrix with last row 0 0 0 1 write.cmtkreg(cmtk.mat2dof(m), "/path/to/my/reg/folder/Registration/affine/JFRC2_FLPO_20121214175357476_2097_01_ght.list") You will need to have R and the nat package installed. See [[http://jefferis.github.io/nat]] for details.